Dataset: interferENZY_example Moving average filter applied with an interval of 9, centered on each timepoint. Sampled 7 equally-distanced points to obtain 5 modified sets of coordinates, taking maximum product obtained as reference. -Global Fitting, Full Dataset Instant Km SE V SE 1 1.094731472368722 0.01695331470454418 2.735796285132495 0.03205170152253446 2 1.088062851590248 0.0239061504850768 2.741470015364979 0.04664778336578065 3 1.102939443123977 0.04402941166950015 2.788234922908052 0.08858346627525879 Instant R2 F p value Estimated Error Variance 1 0.9933296980856475 4169.711042097324 0 0.00385183343794662 2 0.9894913718556801 2071.517792985318 0 0.005531168927439038 3 0.9751361895954949 627.5055504244425 2.897682094271659e-14 0.01201658842036494 Coefficient of determination (R2) Instant 1 2 3 0.9933296980856475 0.9894913718556801 0.9751361895954949 Kendall Correlation Coefficient (K) Instant/S0 1 2 3 0.01 -0.2 -0.3333333333333334 0.3333333333333334 0.1 -0.7999999999999999 -0.6666666666666667 -0.3333333333333334 0.5 -0.4 0.3333333333333334 1 1 -1 -1 -1 2.5 -1 -1 -1 5 -1 -1 -1 Final Score (0-20) Instant 1 2 3 19.23327880443471 18.8701483554602 17.96037617718242 Best guess for apparent kinetic parameters from final score analysis: Instant Km SE V SE 1 1.094731472368722 0.01695331470454418 2.735796285132495 0.03205170152253446 Best guess for apparent parameter Km is within the range covered by experimental S0 values. Upper S0 range is lower than 2*Km (max(S0) > 2*Km). A broader range of S0 values is recommended for accurate kinetic analysis. -Global Fitting, initial points only (initial reaction phase analysis) Instant Km SE V SE 1 1.102741803047327 0.03359858326580418 2.727367386244019 0.06058332578948279 2 1.083220957819803 0.0114520114102595 2.720331353010862 0.02151355714080499 3 1.148755911155607 0.01642787252716695 2.921549461066468 0.03258883340223503 Instant R2 F p value Estimated Error Variance 1 0.9963004867463157 1077.223319315436 5.138741697607863e-06 0.003421976060371671 2 0.9995531154866641 8946.858399949686 7.490082154504307e-08 0.0003640375790217691 3 0.99918264259302 4889.819968891326 2.505957122922453e-07 0.0006359174424326915 Comparison between results for full dataset and initial points: No considerable time-dependent effects are observed.